20-Q-s-The-Salvages Antithesis Store

20 Q's — The Salvages

20 questions w/ Nicolette Yip and Earn Chen (co-founders of The Salvages)

ANTITHESIS_ Who’d win in a fight: Lynch or Cronenberg?

Nicolette_ Cronenberg
Earn_ Lynch

A_ Top 3 desert island movies and/or records?

N_ (1) Roy Ayers — Everybody Loves the Sunshine
// (2) Idris Muhammad — Turn This Mutha Out
// (3) The Durutti Column — Vini Reilly

E_ (1) Santo & Johnny — “Sleep Walk”
// (2) Donald Byrd — Places and Spaces
// (3) Frank Zappa — Joe’s Garage

A_ JAMC or The Fall?


A_ Siouxsie or Cocteau Twins?

N_ Siouxsie
E_ Siouxsie

A_ 4AD or Creation?

N_ 4AD
E_ 4AD

A_ Moz: yea or nay?

N_ Yea
E_ Yea to The Smiths. Moz… I’m not sure.

A_ Top 3 things to eat on CNY?

N_ Pineapple tarts, Mum’s stir fried prawns, Pun Choy
E_ Steamboat, pineapple tarts, McDonald’s (because all Chinese restaurants are closed).

A_ You lived in Canada. Poutine: yea or nay?

E_ Never tried it. In Chinatown most of the time.

A_ LA: Eastside or Westside?

N_ Eastside
E_ Eastside

A_ '90s: Tokyo or NYC?

N_ Tokyo
E_ NYC 90s

A_ '70s London or '80s Manchester?

N_ London
E_ Manchester 80s

A_ Canal St (NYC) or Bugis St (SG)?

N_ Bugis
E_ Canal Street

A_ Early '00s: Bob Bar (NYC) or Zouk Club (SG)?

E_ Zouk 00’s
N_ Bob’s

A_ Rough Trade or Amoeba?

N_ Rough Trade
E_ Rough Trade

A_ Top 3 cities to dig for records?

N_ Tokyo, Bangkok, London
E_ Tokyo, London and New York

A_ Rose Bowl or PCC?

N_ Rose Bowl
E_ Rose Bowl

A_ The Face (UK) or Relax (JP)?

N_ The Face
E_ The Face for words, Relax for photos

A_ AMG or GT?

N_ None

A_ Westie or Scottie?

N_ Westie, no doubt
E_ Westie

A_ In-N-Out or Shake Shack?

N_ In-N-Out, hands down
E_ In-N-Out

The Salvages is now available online, as well as in-store at 1 Rivington, NYC.